Tuesday 1 July 2014

Prender su propria empresa - Starting your own business fair

  Today was a very special day for the children as they held their own fair selling things they had made themselves. The children were very excited.  Señora Cooke and Señorita Blakesley had lots of fun buying things such as bracelets and home-made cakes. We discovered that here the children enjoy making things with loom bands just as much as we do at Rise Park. What a surprise that was for us!

The children of Manuel Mejía Vallejo are experts at re-using plastic bottles to make both useful and beautiful things, like flowers, jewellery holders and mini-bottles to hold sweets and beads. Señora Cooke and Señorita Blakesley hope to have a lot more to share with you about that when we get back......................

The mini-bottles filled with sweets were Señorita Blakesley’s favourite purchase at the fair and Señora Cooke’s was ‘un oblea’ – 2 giant ice-cream style wafers filled with cottage cheese, blackcurrant syrup  and a very sweet mixture of condensed milk and sugar called ‘arequipe’ . Obleas can be bought as street food too, not just at school fairs!

But the best thing of all was that the children running the stalls used English to sell us their products!!!

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